computer vision || Accelerating Semiconductor Screening with Computer Vision

 Digital image acquisition, processing, analysis, and comprehension techniques, as well as the extraction of high-dimensional data from the actual world to generate numerical or symbolic information—such as decision-making—are all included in computer vision tasks.In this application, understanding refers to the conversion of visual images—which, in the human analog, are the input to the retina—into descriptions of the outside world that make sense to cognitive processes and can motivate relevant behavior. This image understanding can be seen as the process of applying models built with the help of statistics, physics, geometry, and learning theory to separate symbolic information from visual data.

The following ten years saw research focused on quantitative components of computer vision and more in-depth mathematical analysis. These include the idea of scale-space, the ability to deduce shape from a variety of cues, including focus, texture, and shading, and snake-like contour models. Additionally, researchers discovered that many of these mathematical ideas could be handled in the same optimization framework that Markov random fields and regularization are used in. Some of the earlier research subjects saw increased activity by the 1990s, while others saw less. Camera calibration has been better understood thanks to research on projective 3-D reconstructions. The development of optimization techniques for camera calibration led to the discovery that many of the concepts had previously been studied in photogrammetric bundle adjustment theory.

A high-throughput analysis method utilizing computer vision has been developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, to ascertain the band gap and stability of recently manufactured semiconductor materials (Nat. Commun., doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-48768-2). They claim that the automated methodology considerably accelerates the evaluation of prospective materials for applications including solar cells, transparent electronics, and next-generation batteries by employing computational approaches to examine photographs of samples created with rapid printing procedures.

Quick and accurate

The stability of the samples was then assessed over time using conventional optical imaging, which took use of the fact that perovskites deteriorate and change color. Images were captured of the samples every 30 seconds for two hours while they were subjected to changes in temperature, light, and humidity in three different studies. The automated procedure generated estimates that, when compared to expert judgment, accord with the expert assessment to a 96.9% accuracy using another computer-vision technique to determine the degree of degradation from the color shift.

First author Alexander Siemenn says, "We were constantly shocked by how these algorithms were able to not just increase the speed of characterization, but also to get accurate results." "We see this fitting into an automated materials pipeline that we're working on in the lab. Machine learning will direct us in the direction of where we want to find these new materials, which will then be printed and characterized with extremely quick processing."

All computer science fields that work with images and three-dimensional models are together referred to as visual computing. This includes computer graphics, image processing, computer vision, visualization, virtual and augmented reality, and video processing. Aspects of digital libraries, machine learning, pattern recognition, and human-computer interaction are also included in visual computing. The primary obstacles involve gathering, handling, evaluating, and presenting visual data, primarily consisting of pictures and videos. Industrial quality control, robotics, multimedia systems, medical image processing and visualization, surveying, virtual heritage, computer games, and special effects in film and television are some application fields.

Buy Now Amazon : Programming Computer Vision with Python: Tools and algorithms

Substances with qualities in between are known as semiconductors. Semiconductors are used to make integrated circuits (ICs) and discrete electronic parts like transistors and diodes. The common elemental semiconductors are germanium and silicon. Among these, silicon is widely known. 


  • Is computer vision part of AI?
Ans:-Computer vision, a type of artificial intelligence, enables computers to interpret and analyze the visual world, simulating the way humans see and understand their environment.

  • What is the main goal of computer vision?
Ans:-Overall, the goal of computer vision is to enable computers to analyze and understand visual data in much the same way that human brains and eyes do, and to use this understanding to make intelligent decisions based on that data.

  • What are examples of computer vision?
(Computer Vision Applications)

Ans:-Facial recognition.

Self-driving cars.

Robotic automation.

Medical anomaly detection.

Sports performance analysis.

Manufacturing fault detection.
